
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Angell Double Header (FML)

Angell, Sir Norman. After All: The Autobiography of Norman Angell. Farrar, Straus and Young. 1952. 370 pp.

"Although Sir Norman is wholly unconscious of this, the picture is of a rarely elevated and noble life. Besides the record of that life, this book is enriched by Sir Norman's reflections - veritable little essays in some cases - on a wide variety of topics ... [including] The Incredible Gullibility of Believers in Freedom under Socialism." - Max Eastman, in The Freeman.

Angell, Norman. The Public Mind. Dutton. 1927. 232 pp.

"A stimulating book. ... Its importance to Individualists lies in the emphasis it indirectly gives to the desirability of restricting State action to spheres in which popular passion and prejudice, and the ability of politicians to exploit them can have least effect." - PI.

BK: The capitalizing of State and Individualists in the second review is no accident; it is in the original. I have no idea when this convention passed, but I am sorry it did. It gives an element of style and emphasis without having to italicize or bold the entire word. In fact, used properly, it gives the word a certain Dignity.

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